Executive Committee

The NZOHA Executive Committee provides direction, oversight and the management of the NZOHA, Te Ohu Pūniho Ora O Aotearoa. We are here to support and advocate for our members which includes Dental Therapists, Dental Hygienists and Oral Health Therapists, as well as oral health students.

Below is the NZOHA executive committee voted in at the 2022 AGM

Click photos to email any of the committee 

Anna Holyoake

President Tūmuaki

Anna graduated from Otago Dental School as a Dental Hygienist in 2006 and has spent the bulk of her career practising in New Plymouth. Anna's clinical focus in empowering patients to be responsible for their own oral health.

Anna has been part of the association executive since 2016. As president her priority providing engaging education opportunities and advocating for members. 

In Anna's spare time she enjoys spending time with her young family and being active outdoors.

Email Anna

Samuel Carrington

Vice President Tūmuaki Tuarua

Samuel is a Senior Lecturer and Associate Dean (Māori) in Te Kaupeka Pūniho - The Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Otago.  After graduating in 2012, Samuel has worked in the public and private sectors including at a number of community hubs throughout the Wellington area. While he thrived working in Naenae and Miramar, it was the Kura Kaupapa Māori in Seatoun that helped reaffirm to him why he worked in oral health – to change a system that isn’t fit for Māori. 

Samuel is passionate about the changes needed in what he describes as an inequitable dental healthcare system for Māori, and ways in which we can overcome oral health inequities in a culturally safe manner.

Email Samuel

Lizelle Koen

Treasurer Kaitiaki Pūtea

Lizelle is a Dental Hygienist originally from Cape Town. Lizelle has also lived in England and Australia, but now calls Taranaki home and works as a dental hygienist four days per week. Lizelle has previously been part of the NZDHA Executive serving as secretary since 2017. Lizelle decided to put her hand up for the treasurer role of the NZOHA, because she managed a general medical practice  for seven years and decided that she could use her knowledge and experience better in this role.

Email Lizelle

Chris Han

Community Engagement Director Kaiwhakahaere Hāpori Whānui 

Chris is a Lecturer of the Bachelor of Oral Health at AUT. After graduating from the University of Otago in 2016, Chris has worked in the public and private sectors. Chris is passionate about educating future oral health workforce and  improving responsiveness of oral health practitioners in child protection.

Email Chris

Melody Martin

Communications Director Kaiwhakahaere Kōrero 

Melody is an oral health therapy educator at AUT. She has a long standing passion for advocating the voices of oral health professionals, to enable a powerful united profession.

Email Melody

Anishma Ram

Professional Development Director Kaiwhakhaere Whanaketanga 

Anishma is a Dental Therapist in the Waitematā DHB with a demonstrated history of working in the community based dental setting. Anishma is passionate about reducing oral health inequalities and has a vested interest in improving oral health outcomes for children with special needs conditions.

Email Anishma

Lateisha Chant

Te Ao Mārama Representative Te Māngai ki Te Ao Mārama 

Lateisha Chant (Rangitāne o Wairau, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, Ngāti Raukawa) is an Oral Health Therapist working at Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service in Wellington. Her role as the service's first 'Kaiwhakaora Niho' is dedicated to providing culturally responsive oral health care to tamariki Māori in kura kaupapa Māori and kōhanga reo, delivering services in te reo Māori to foster a supportive environment aligned with te ao Māori.

Lateisha is also on the executive committee for Te Ao Mārama - Aotearoa Māori Dental Association, driven by a deep passion for advocating for systemic change, equitable oral health care and reducing Māori oral health disparities.

Email Lateisha


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